How to manage customer complaints with integrity and alignment with your brand.
Nobody is immune from customer complaints, even if they are minor. How you deal with them can have a profound impact not only on your own mindset and outlook, but also on the reputation of your brand.
I’m sharing my six step process to managing customer complaints with integrity and alignment. Shake off your personal inhibitions and step into a place of integrity so that you can come through the other side stronger, confident in your customer service and knowing exactly what to do in the future.
Are you ready? Watch now to discover my six step process. Let me know in the comments if you’ll use it next time you’re dealing with a less-than-happy customer.
If you’re left scratching your head about phrases that I mentioned such as brand values, customer/client avatar or your vision, head to Brand Alchemy. Learn more about my signature brand foundation course, sign up to the waitlist to find out when I’m opening the doors for the next round, and set your brand up for success.
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Rach x